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Transportation & Parking Info


Click HERE for Student Bus Schedules by District


Parking on School Grounds:  Due to limited space, parking is reserved for those seniors in a school approved School-to-Career program.  If space allows, parking will be offered to other seniors in good standing relevant to grades, attendance, and discipline.  Students who are late 10 or more times will have their parking permit revoked.  The parking permit fee for the 2023-2024 school year will be $50.  Students who drive to school are required to apply for parking permits.  Students who choose to park off the premises and violate ordinance or disturb the peace will be subject to disciplinary action with the Bristol Township Police Department. BCTHS accepts no responsibility for vehicles parked off-site.

Code of Conduct:  Parents are urged to stress the importance of proper behavior while waiting for or riding a school bus.  Reports on damage to property at a bus stop or misbehavior on a bus can lead to the suspension of bus riding privileges and possibly a suspension from school.  The rules listed below are posted on every bus and must be observed for your child to have a safe trip to and from school.

Do not lose your riding privileges:

  • Be courteous, use no profane language.
  • Do not eat or drink on the bus and keep it clean.
  • Stay in your seat and cooperate with the driver.
  • Keep hands and feet inside the bus.
  • Do not fight, push, shove, or damage bus or equipment.
  • Do not tamper with bus equipment.
  • Do not bring pets on the bus.
  • Do not bring flammable materials on the bus.
  • Stay in your seat and cooperate with the driver.
  • The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
  • Utilize seat belts when they are supplies.
  • No tobacco use.
  • Do not get on or off the bus at Conwell Egan, either before school or after school.

Students are dismissed at 1:54 pm and will exit the school at the location nearest their predetermined bus pick up locations.  Students are required to utilize the pedestrian sidewalks at all times.  Due to the extremely tight schedule, buses will depart promptly at 2:05 pm.  Movement of cars in the loading area is strictly prohibited until all buses have been loaded and have left.  Students with driving permits will observe speed limits posted on school property, which will not exceed 10 miles per hour at any time. 


All buses will discharge students at the rear of the building behind the cafeteria.  Students will immediately enter the school and report to their first period where they will wait for the 7:10 am bell to ring.                          

Closing of School and Two-Hour Delays Due to Inclement Weather:

When it becomes necessary to close the school, or delay the opening of school due to inclement weather, watch TV stations 3, 6, 10 and FOX News.  Closings and delays will also be posted on our website  An automated call will be placed to parents/guardians informing them of the status of a school closing or late opening.  On days when weather conditions are adverse or threaten to become hazardous, student drivers are advised to ride the school bus.  Students who drive will not be dismissed before the close of school.  Parent/guardian phone numbers and email addresses must be current at all times to receive automated messages.

Closings and delays at BCTHS are different than at sending districts since we do not handle transportation issues.  Scheduling buses, canceling buses, and the school districts, not BCTHS make all transportation decisions.  On a day of inclement weather, parents should check to see if BCTHS is open, closed, or has a two-hour delay; they should also check to see the status of the district in which they live since the districts provide transportation. If BCTHS is closed, there is no need to worry about the status of another district for transportation. 

If BCTHS has a two-hour delayparents/guardians are advised to check the status of the district of residence.  In other words, if BCTHS has a two- hour delay and the district of residence has a two-hour delay, your child will get the bus 2 hours later than scheduled. 

If BCTHS has a two-hour delay and the district of residence is closedthen there will be no transportation provided for your child by your district of residence.  However, students are still expected to be in school.  On such a day, we realize that the expectation may be unreasonable; therefore, the student will be marked absent and must make up the work.  This absence will not be counted against the student. 

If BCTHS has a two-hour delay and your district is operating normallythen the student must get the bus at the regular time or be provided with other transportation. 

If BCTHS is operating normally and your district is two hours latethen the student will get the bus two hours late, and we will adjust the student’s attendance record accordingly.  Again, all work must be made up. 

If your district is closed, and BCTHS is openthen the students will be expected to provide their transportation.  If transportation is unavailable, the students will not be penalized but must make up all work. 

Transportation Information:   Bus transportation is a function provided by the participating school districts and is a privilege.  Failure to observe district rules may result in temporary or permanent denial of transportation.  Specific transportation problems should be directed to the respective school district transportation department:             

Bensalem              215-750-2800, ext. 4402                  Morrisville       215-736-5926

Bristol Borough      215-781-1014                                  Neshaminy     215-809-6260

Bristol Township     267-599-2390                                  Pennsbury      215-428-4165

After School Activity Bus Information - Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • Students are NOT permitted to say after school unless they are participating in tutoring and/or an after school activity.
  • After School Activities end no later than 4:30pm.
  • Students being picked up from after school activities (non-bus riders) MUST be picked up by 4:45pm.


After School Activities Bus Information

Bensalem School District - 

Bristol Borough School District - 

Bristol Township School District - 

Morrisville School District - 

Neshaminy School District - 

Pennsbury School District -