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Grade 10

Honors Biology

Grade:  10                      18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                5.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite: Physical Science Honors or Physical Science Academic with a “B” or better and teacher recommendation
Designed for students planning to attend a 4-year college or university, this honors-level course takes an in-depth, systematic approach to the study of life on earth.  Due to the dynamic expansion of knowledge in this field, course study will move at an accelerated pace to enable the study of both original content and current research.  The significant topics focused on in this course include the study of living organisms, cellular biology, the history and diversity of life, ecology, microorganisms, vertebrate & invertebrate animals, and genetics.  Emphasis is placed on the mastery of fundamental concepts and the processes of biology.  Microscopy and lab dissections are an integral component of this course.

Biology –  Academic

Grade:  10                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite Physical Science and teacher recommendation

This course uses an interdisciplinary approach to provide students with a functional knowledge of biology, focusing on the complex interactions of living systems.  Concepts to be discussed include the organization of living things, cellular biology, body structures, and functions, the principles of genetics and evolutionary change, as well as the interdependency of organisms with their environments and one another.  Additional topics include current events and advances in the fields of research, medicine, and technology.  Emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking and research skills, as well as the understanding of complex relationships.  

Biology –  Foundations

Grade:  10                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite Integrated Science and 9th-grade teacher recommendation  

This fundamental biology course uses a practical approach to provide students with a basic knowledge of biology, focusing on how living things relate to our everyday life.  Concepts to be discussed include the organization of living things, body structures, and functions, the principles of evolutionary change, as well as the interdependency that exists between organisms and their environments and one another.  Additional topics include current events in the fields of research, medicine, and technology.  Emphasis is placed on the development and use of scientific methods, building research skills, as well as a basic understanding of relationships between living things.

*This course is not approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse
Grade 11

Physical Science

Grade:  11                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite: Biology Foundations and teacher recommendation

Physical Science provides students with a practical science course that will give them both the hands-on experience that industry demands and the fundamental problem-solving skills that they will need to face the changing environment of their career fields.  It applies physics principles to technological situations and concentrates on the use of physics formulas in the workplace rather than on their derivation or optimization.  The format is unique because it introduces relationships of the four energy systems – mechanical, fluids, electrical, and thermal.  Students work primarily in small groups and practice their problem solving and mathematical skills while learning physics.  They learn to differentiate among different types of experimental, equipment, and operator error by comparing the results of all teams.  Explanation of what goes wrong is often more valuable in work than knowing the ideal answer.  This course introduces the concepts of physics and chemistry through many lab demos by the instructor and occasional small lab team practice.  Math is used to analyze the data gathered in the lab.

*This course is not approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse

Honors Chemistry

Grade:  11                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                5.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite: Honors Biology or Academic Biology with teacher recommendation

Review of Honors Physical Science topics - energy and matter, the structure of matter and go into greater depth with modern atomic theory and nuclear changes.  Quantum theory and electron configurations, the periodic table, chemical formulas, bonding, and molecular shape, stoichiometry, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, redox chemistry, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics and thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, biochemistry, and organic chemistry.

Chemistry – Academic
Grade:  11                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points
Prerequisite:   Academic or Honors Biology, taken or currently taking Academic Algebra 2

Review of Physical Science topics:  energy and matter, the structure of matter and go into greater depth with modern atomic theory and nuclear changes, Quantum theory and electron configurations, the periodic table, chemical formulas, bonding, and molecular shape and stoichiometry will also be covered. This course is recommended for students considering college and who have a strong background in math and problem-solving.

Chemistry – Foundations

Grade:  11                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite:  Biology

Chemistry – Foundations provides students with a basic knowledge of general chemistry concepts with less emphasis on higher order math skills.  Key concepts include matter, atomic structure, the periodic table and periodic trends, bonding, chemical compounds, and chemical reactions.

* This course is not approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse

Grade 12

Honors Physics

Grade:  12                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                5.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite: “B” or better in all previous academic science and math courses, completion of or concurrent enrollment in Pre-Calculus or Calculus (preferred)

This class is intended for students who are planning to study a technical or engineering subject at a four-year college.  The principles of mechanics are introduced via a math-based college freshman text.  Labs and small group projects are utilized to explain real-world differences from the textbook ‘pure’ answers.  This is not just a higher-level version of the Academic Physics course; the analytical depth and breadth are extensive.

Physics – Academic

Grade:  12                      18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite:  Academic Algebra 2, scored a “B” or higher in previous year’s Academic Math and Science

Provides students with a practical science course that will give them both the hands-on experience industry demands and the fundamental problem-solving skills that they will need to face the changing environment of their career fields.  It applies physics principles to technological situations and concentrates on the use of physics formulas in the workplace rather than on their derivation or optimization.  The format is unique because it introduces relationships of the four energy systems - mechanical, fluids, electrical, and thermal.  Students work primarily in small groups and practice their problem-solving and mathematical skills while learning physics.  They learn to differentiate among different types of experimental, equipment, and operator error by comparing the results of all teams.  An explanation of what goes wrong is often more valuable in the work world than knowing the ideal answer.  Math is used to extend the understanding of the concepts. This course is recommended for students considering college.

Honors Anatomy & Physiology

Grade:  12                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                5.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite:  Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry or Academic Chemistry with a “B” or better

How the human body maintains life by studying two significant areas, anatomy, and physiology, is covered in this class.  Students will learn the parts of significant systems and the structure of each part, which will be related to the function of each part and system in the study of physiology.  The course will include discussions, projects, and lab activities.  Students should be able to handle heavy vocabulary and reading and should have taken at least one year of biology. A limited number of sections will be available.

 Anatomy & Physiology – Academic

Grade:  12                               18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite: “B” or better in Academic Biology, Academic Chemistry, teacher recommendation

Introduces students to the fundamental concepts and principles of human anatomy and physiology and will provide a foundation for advanced study of the human body based on microscopy, dissections, lectures, and demonstrations.  Students should be able to handle heavy medical vocabulary and reading and should have received a “B” or better in Academic Biology.  Dissections are the main learning component and are designed for students entering a 4-year college or entering health care disciplines. A limited number of sections will be available.

AP Environmental Science

Grade:  12                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                5.5 Quality Points

Prerequisite: Honors Biology or Honors chemistry with at least a “B” average.

AP Environmental Science (APES) is a yearlong course that is the equivalent to a one-semester college level Environmental Science course that follows the objectives and conforms to the standards instituted by the College Board. This course will provide students with an understanding of how the natural world works, the interrelationships living things have with each other and with their environment, and how to identify environmental problems, natural and human-made. This course will also discuss legislation, both national and international, which is designed to protect the environment. Students are required to take the AP Exam upon completion of the class.  The cost is approximately $80.00.

Environmental Science -Academic

Grade:  12                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite:  Academic Biology & Academic Chemistry or Honors Biology

Designed to introduce students to the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies, students will be acquainted with a variety of environmental issues and the way various disciplines address these issues.  Fieldwork in multiple ecosystems will be conducted. Field methods include but are not limited to orienteering, surveying plant and animal life and monitoring water quality within the local community.  Students will use the knowledge acquired from the field investigations allowing them to gain an understanding of their local environment.  This course requires students to participate in on-going field studies actively.  A limited number of sections will be available.

Environmental Science – Foundations

Grade:  12                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry

An introduction to environmental science that will provide the student with the necessary knowledge needed to understand the nature of the environment and ecology globally.  This course focuses on selected topics of environmental science as related to the protection, remediation, and sustainability of the land, air, water, and food resources.  Emphasis will be placed on the use of the scientific method and critical thinking skills in understanding the structure and function of natural systems at scales from the individual to the biosphere and the complex interactions between humans and their environment.  Discussions on human population growth, biodiversity, sustainability, resources use, and pollution will be included.  Lab exercises and fieldwork supplement the theory.

* This course is not approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse

Science & Society

Grade:  12                       18 Weeks                               1.0 Credit                                4.0 Quality Points

Prerequisite:  Recommendation of the 11th grade Science teacher

This course explores many of the science-related issues facing society today: climate change, weather and storm events, green technologies, the changes in food and our dietary needs, food allergies, the business of developing and marketing food and nutrition products, nuclear medicine, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and other topics.  New topics are explored as current events dictate.  Students are encouraged to share their own experiences and expertise in those topics they’ve covered in their technical field and other capacities.

* This course is not approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse